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isolation portraits.

Selected works from this series are currently touring Alberta through the Alberta Society of Artists TREX organization.
When things first started shutting down in March 2020, I could not imagine how so much would change for so many.  In addition to my studio practice, I am an art educator.  We began moving everything online right away and the first weeks for me, entailed a lot of learning to use technology differently to be able to support my students the best I could.  That also meant that I did not have much time to work much on my own practice.   When I was able to start working in the studio again, my happy place, I did not feel like what I was doing was worthwhile compared to what was happening around me.  I continued to work as often as I could, some days were better than others, but for me keeping productive just makes me feel happier.  I started thinking about what I could do to connect with community more while keeping isolated.  I decided to put a call out on Instagram asking if anyone would be interested in submitting photographs of themselves to me to draw.  I asked for participants to send in photos that were taken during isolation.  The post was shared on my IG and then shared by a few other super supportive friends.  I was overwhelmed with how many wanted to participate.  So many interesting faces of so many people.  Most, strangers to me.  All experiencing these changes alone, together.  

 © 2024 by Kelly Isaak

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